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Mother, Let's Recognize Geriatric Pregnancy and the Risks

Age above 35 years when Mother realized pregnant again? This condition, called geriatric pregnancy, requires special attention so that the mother and baby can remain healthy until after delivery. Geriatric pregnancy is a pregnancy that is experienced by a woman after she is over 35 years old. This designation is more commonly used in the past when the number of pregnant women over the age of 35 is not as much now. Now there are more women who are pregnant with their first child at the age of 35-39 than before. This change then makes pregnancy after the age of 35 is rarely called a geriatric pregnancy.

Geriatric Pregnancy Risk

Older age during pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of health problems that can have an impact on the condition of pregnant women and fetuses in the womb. Some of the more risky conditions that occur in pregnant women and fetuses during geriatric pregnancy are:
  • Gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes is more often experienced by pregnant women over the age of 35 years. If left untreated, this condition can increase the risk of pregnancy complications until after the baby is born.
  • Research has found that women who become pregnant at an older age are more at risk of developing high blood pressure during pregnancy.
  • Preeclampsia.
  • Giving birth to a premature or low weight baby.
  • The risk of babies experiencing genetic disorders, such as Down syndrome.
  • The risk of miscarriage at this age is increasingly high, especially if pregnant women already have a history of previous miscarriages or certain diseases, such as high blood pressure.
  • Abnormalities in the placenta, such as the pre placenta
Although there are many risks that may occur, Mother do not worry too much about the pregnancy above the age of 35 years, because there are also pregnant women in old age who can undergo a healthy pregnancy. By understanding the possible risks, Mother can find ways to prepare for healthy deliveries at a young age.

Get around the risks of Geriatric Pregnancy

Now more and more women aged over 35 years or those who postpone pregnancy can undergo childbirth smoothly and deliver healthy babies. The steps below you can implement to achieve this goal:

1. Preparing for pregnancy

Over the age of 35, it is important to check physical and mental health with your partner to plan a pregnancy. It is intended that the pregnancy to be carried out can run smoothly until delivery time later.

2. Check the pregnancy regularly

The first two months of pregnancy are an important period for baby's development. During this time, you need to adhere to a routine pregnancy check-up schedule to monitor your and your child's health. When conducting an examination, the doctor will monitor the condition of pregnant women and the fetus in general. The doctor will also monitor the condition of the fetus in the womb by ultrasound.

3. Undergo additional checks

When undergoing a medical examination, your doctor may advise you to check blood sugar levels, as well as urine tests to check protein and sugar levels. In addition, there are also genetic tests to detect gene abnormalities in the fetus so that they can be anticipated and treated early. Don't forget to check your dental health too, Bun. Healthy teeth and gums can reduce the risk of preterm labor or low birth weight babies.

4. Eat healthy and exercise

Besides maintaining the health of the womb, Mother also needs to maintain personal health. Come on, Bun, consume healthy foods that are full of nutrition by consuming a variety of fresh vegetables and fruit, low-fat meat, milk, and whole grains. Also consume foods that are rich in folic acid, like green leafy vegetables, Bun. In addition to eating healthy, Mother also needs to exercise regularly so that weight gain becomes more controlled. Exercise during pregnancy can also help reduce back pain during pregnancy, strengthen muscles, and help smooth labor.

5. Drink pregnancy supplement

When undergoing pregnancy at a young age, meeting nutritional needs is very important. Not only from food, these nutrients can also be fulfilled by taking pregnancy supplements. This supplement can be consumed starting when planning to become pregnant, until the pregnancy has formed. To determine the appropriate dosage and choice of pregnancy supplements, you can consult an obstetrician.

6. Avoid risky actions

Older mothers can increase the risk of babies born with underweight. Unhealthy habits, such as smoking and consuming alcohol, can further increase these risks, but can also interfere with the health of the mother and fetus. Now, by recognizing and anticipating risks that may occur, age is not an obstacle for Mother to undergo a healthy pregnancy and childbirth, you know. Congratulations waiting for the presence of The Baby.


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